Read The Room
Read The Room
as a part of REDCAT’s NOWFest 2024
World Premiere.
Framed as a theatrical rehearsal between an Actor and her Director, Read The Room reconsiders these roles and their relationship to the audience in an unsettling, comedic, and outrageous experience. Interdisciplinary artist Sophia Cleary investigates the tension between script and improvisation in theater and the illusion of control in a performance that embraces liveness: you cannot fast forward or rewind–you can only move without knowing what comes next. This two-hander play manifests as a metaphor for the contemporary climate where fact and fiction are no longer discernible and investigates what laughter seemingly condones–ultimately calling attention to what contracts can be upended rather than consumed as spectacle.
Performed by Sophia Cleary & Joshua Kilcoyne
Assistant Director, Amrita Dhaliwal
Price: $25*
Genres: Dance, Music, Theater
Date: NOV 14-16, THU-SAT, 8:30 PM
Live Stream: SAT, 8:30 PM (PT)
Runtime: Approx. 90 minutes, with intermission